Thursday 6 June 2013

UiTM Kuantan

I've been wanting to post about UiTM Kuantan for ages! Okay so here goes. UiTM Kuantan is a pretty small campus consisting with only the TESL and LAW students. And it is also split into Bukit Sekilau and Padang Lalang.


Girls: The girl punya hostel dekat Bukit Sekilau. Its a pretty cool place. You guys will live in like a little apartment (thats how I imagined it) and you guys will call it "rumah". So like you know back in asrama punya zaman dulu? Kan selalu cakap "aku nak pergi balik dorm ni" now you guys cakap "aku nak balik rumah aku jap". Okay faham? Awesome!
 There will be 15 girls living dalam satu rumah. Each house ada 3 rooms and in the room ada 2 bunk bed and a single bed. The girls with the bunk bed dapat locker biasa but the girl yang dapat single bed dapat locker kecik. So dekat luar bilik theres a huge space. Theres a study table for each girl by the wall and you guys study, online, maen game whatever dekat situ je. Makan ke, sleepover or baring2 and take a nap usually on the floor. Its pretty cosy. So yeah.
Oh every rumah ada 2 toilet (seat) and 2 showers. So its a pretty good deal I suppose. And theres 2 sink and a large area untuk letak your baldi and shower stuff. Kat belakang ada tempat nak hang your clothes and dekat depan ada balcony where you can lepak and listen to some good old songs or nak bergayut dengan boyfriend ke whatever.

Now I'm warning you, we're not the neatest of the lot. So erm, brace yourself! Hahaha

Guys: Hostel korang dekat Padang Lalang. Its only a good 10min (maybe less) away from Bukit Sekilau. Now recently (time ktorg actually) UiTM Kuantan is under renovation untuk siapkan bangunan baru and the road pon baru and the walls are painted new and whatever. Anyway moving on, most of your classes will be in Bukit Sekilau. So you will have to take the UiTM bus ( you don't have to pay to get on it) but you will have to be on time. Its usually around 7:30, 8:30, :9:30 and .. You get the idea.
So your rooms! Now in Padang Lalang or Palang for short, there are 3 blocks. 2 of the blocks are for the guys. If your block is in the middle you will get a good view of the girls' place. Hey, just saying. Lol. Okay so anyway, you guys kena share bilik with one other person. So 1 room for 2 guys. Theres a toilet in there and a study table and a bunk bed. I don't usually go up in the room but its pretty calm. Being in a house with loads of girls can be a little crowded. So more time for studying for you guys! As if. But hah!

Your hostel will be in Padang Lalang, Palang for short. Most of your classes will be in Palang. There are 5 rooms and your classes starts from 8 am and ends at 4.00pm. I don't hang around with the TESL student sangat so I can't help with the TESL stuff. (I spent my remaining hours sleeping or laying around on my bed). So anyway each room ada dua orang and theres a toilet and a study table in there. TESL girls usually get on pretty well with both the TESL and LAW guys coz its a pretty close space and you guys usually akan dinner or lepak or whatever together.

TESL girls dekat Padang Lalang because the TESL students lagi sikit dari LAW students. But there is no rivalry or whatever pelik2 between the students. Everyone usually get on pretty well.

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