Thursday 6 June 2013


Classes for the Law Students are mostly dekat Bukit Sekilau. There are 2 blocks.

The first block is split into 4 part.

1st part: This is the office. You make payment ke whatever dekat sini. Lecturers punya office pon dekat sini so pandai2 lah visit dorang

2nd part: Kat sini ada library and a computer room thinggy. Library banyak books. Duh. And nak buat research or internet laju or nak carik aircond dekat sini lah tempat dia. Kat atas rumah untuk budak perempuan Law

3rd and 4th part: Rumah for the girls.

Basuh baju?
Oh there are 4 washing machines dekat 3rd and 4th part of the building. You kena bayar RM 2 (shillings) and just pop your clothes in and wait for 50 min. Make sure letak baldi sebelah washing machine incase you lambat amek baju. Some people akan maen campak je baju kita merata-rata. Annoying. So yeah. Baldi! Ingat!

Tempat makan

If you keluar campus je, at the side memang berlambak tempat makan. Memang you will not go hungry and makin tambah lemak. Seriously. Ada banyak gerai2 and some even bukak sampai 4am. Now nama2 gerai we usually call ikot colour table. Like we have kedai putih, kedai tengah, meja merah, murtabak mengkasar, meja kuning, kedai orang, kedai western and blablablabla. If you want a restaurant just cross the street from the campus and theres this restaurant call Kedai Cawan (try nasi ayam dorang) and malam2 pon kadang2 bukak. And kalau mengidam goreng pisang dekat depan campus pon ada or kalau nak try kedai kat belakang pon boleh. pandai2 lah carik. Banyak tempat makan at a walking distance.

Just across the street of our campus memang ada banyak gilaaaaa kedai. Nak cakap apa lah. Sangat lucky! There are loads of restaurant and some really good food if you know how to look. And be nice to the owners and sometimes dorang bagi extra telur or belanja burger or whatever. Anyway dekat depan ada like 3 cybercafes, ada 7-Eleven, and a dobby kalau malas nak basuh baju. And ada Print Houz and CC sebalah Print Houz tu dia provide law notes untuk Sem 1 and Sem 2 from most of the lecturers. Soalan past year sume bagai pon dekat dorang selalunya. So tanya je.

Btw, lupa nak cakap. Kalau siapa yang selalu layan mamak lah. Jalan depan sikit ada dua mamak. Shaz and I forgot the other name. Situ pon okay je makan. And ada this public library thinggy. Dia bagi guna internet for free, ada aircond and ada buku. Its in the corner. Pandai2 lah carik and explore sendiri.

I take my food very seriously.

ECM, East Coast Mall

Now tak budak UiTM Kuantan lah kalau tak lepak sini. ECM ni memang merata2 lah budak2 UiTM. Abes class ke, class cancel ke, takde class ke, wekeend, dating, lepak, takde kerja, jalan2, dinner, makan, breakfast, whatever dekat ECM selalunya. Its a walking distance. 5min flat with no talking. A good 10-15 min walking distance from campus kita. Untuk budak Sekilau kalau you bukak tingkap je, or lepak dekat balcony memang terang berderang boleh nampak ECM. Its sangat sangat dekat. Idk nak explain dekat dia macam mana! Now kat sini memang banyak tempat. Bank, cinema, restaurant, kedai arab, pashminas, bakery, karaoke semua dekat sini. Kalau you mintak Pak Cik Rani (UiTM Van Driver) dia akan charge RM 1 untuk pergi sini dari Sekilau. RM 2 kalau you dari Palang. Around mall ni ada lah building and jalan2 laen. Its split into Malay Town, China Town, India Town. I like to eat so I pretty much have eaten at most of the restaurants around here.
And the stadium and terminal bus also dekat2 area sini jugak. The longer you've been there, semua nampak dekat and jalan kaki je. Tapi awal2 memang banyak naek taxi. SAVE DUET. Most taxi tak kira lah dekat mana akan charge RM 8 -12 jugak. Baek2 dengan some taxi and sometime dorang akan bagi you cheap sikit. Tengok orang. Bodek2 jugak lah kot.


Okay now moving on to Padang Lalang. I don't have much time so I have to be really quick. It consist of 4 buildings, 2 for the law and tesl boys, one for the tesl girls and one for the classes. There are 5 classes. Now one of the perks of being a student in UiTM Kuantan is the fact that class korang dekat bawah je. Like you can wake up at 7:50 for an 8am class. Kalau class malam pakai your pyjamas (tutup mana yang patot lah of course) but pergi class. Like pakai je seluar tido tu. its awesome!

Kalau dekat Palang you guys kalau nak makan ada this thing call the Arked. Tempat makan yang idk. Jarang pergi. But okay lah kot. Roti canai and roti bakar dia okay je. But tu tempat lepak. Have a cuppa or if you wanna go for a smoke or something. Ni dinner sume bagai. Its not the cleanest place but its edible. Idk, tu orang cakap but selama I eat there, tak pernah lah kena food poisoning. Anyway its a great place. Banyak jugak lah choice makanan. And across the street from Arked ada dobby and stuff .Tak ingat. Jarang pergi. 

Mega Mall

So its a mall. Has all the important stuff. Ada popular dekat sini kalau nak carik buku. Ermm, Kenny Rogers, Pizza Hut, loads of restaurant. Mamak ada. Secret Recipe nearby. A lot of clubs too (tak recommend, seriously haha) Ermm ada cinema. But usually movies tunjuk sini limited sikit. before nak tengok movie tu tengok dulu lah nak movie apa and showtime dia online. 

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