Thursday 6 June 2013


OMG sorry I have not gone on this thing for ages. You guys dah probably start your U and probably dah abes orientation dah pon. I hope it is not too late. So here goes. I am going to answer some of the questions.

"hey! im just wondering, how are the assignments for foundation in law? i mean, the assignments are in form of what? papers or just project work or things u have to do on computer or... help"

 Okay first thing first. A laptop is a must! For sem 1 you will actually have a subject call CSC 134 which is everything about technology and computer. Sometime you will have to bring it to class pon.  And most of the lecturers are very particular dengan assignments. It must be neat and usually dorang akan mintak buat dalam laptop. And you guys akan ada kena buat presentations and it will require you guys untuk bawak laptop pon. So oh, and USB. Tu pon kena bawak. And selalu kan diri dengan e-mail. Akan ada banyak group assignments and dia akan masuk carry mark untuk final. So nanti senang nak hantar assignments dekat member2 and dia sangat bagus untuk buat back up incase hilang or tak jumpa dalam laptop

The assignments banyak gila *sigh. SO DONT DO THINGS LAST MINUTE. SWEAR DOWN. BENDA PALING REGRET DULU AND AKAN REGRET IN THE FUTURE. For every subject you guys akan ada require kena buat group presentation where you have to present in front of the whole class and the the lecturer will write jot down and give you mark with how you present. You will sometime have to present it alone and deliver a speech (being in law memang banyak gilaaaa presentation! So get ready) Ada jugak group and individual assignment yang written punya so tu kena banyak buat research and make sure jangan buat last minute sebab sometime bagi case and we have to solve it and carik fallacy and article and what not. Hope that answers sikit :]

what i meant was, will i be given assignments in the week right after orientation? hehe just asking tho. bcs i want to make sure when exactly should i bring my laptop with me

I dulu bawak laptop after orientation. Coz takot hilang. Tapi takpe kan. You guys dah abes orientation. So err, tell me how that went? 

and is a printer needed? and will i be given an assignment as soon as the class started? 

Printer will be needed. Ada banyak benda yang you nak kena print nanti. Tapi kalau tak bawak pon tak pe. Most university provide tempat nak print. But kalau nak bawak, recommended. You guys boleh buat business printing. Sape nak print charge je lah dorg. Untuk err, business sampingan

Dekat Kuantan if you are in Bukit Sekilau ada 3 Cyber Cafe and this shop call Print Houz yang provide all law notes and nak print sticker ke, assignment ke whatever selalu kat situ. Service is good so go and visit! And kalau malas nak pergi, opposite the library at the computer room boleh print situ jugak during office hours.

Elaun tu.. dia bagi trus 1900 ataupun dia bhgi 5 bulan utk satu sem? hee.

Elaun kalau you guys dah bayar yuran and hostel sume bagai dia akan terus bagi dekat your Bank Islam punya card. Tak maen bulan2, thank God! Selalu duet akan dapat 2 months after sem start kot. Annoying kan? We had to wait for it jugak. But oh well. At least dapat so, all is well!

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