Thursday 6 June 2013

Teluk Chempedak, Kuantan

Its a good place to lepak I suppose coz like Kuantan takde lah besar mana and being a student macam lah boleh pergi jaoh2 kan. So Teluk Chempedak or TC is basically a beach. Its a pretty decent beach too. Its usually clean, and the toilet are well kept, theres a surau, restaurants, tempat shisha, tempat jual2 benda bagai, snacks, Burger King, Nasi Lemak, KFC, McD, chatime, Tutti Frutti and bla bla bla. So TC selalu buat like activity or gathering besar2. Coz the place is wide and its pretty and calming. Its nearly always full especially malam (big surprise *roll eyes). Malas nak explain sangat, its a beach so you build sandcastle or whatever.


Now a lot dah berubah in 2013. Like first of all we have Rapid Kuantan now. In my time dorang bagi free naek benda tu. So dunno price dia berapa now. Taxi memang akan charge RM 8 no matter DEKAT MANA PON TEMPAT NAK PERGI TU. Annoying betul. So make sure you travel in packs so boleh jimat duet sikit. 4 in a cab, kalau 5 boleh try tapi cuma malam. Tak banyak taxi berani amek 5 orang. Or you can always call Pak Cik Rani (pak cik van UiTM. Hes an alright guy!) dia charge RM 1 sekilau-ECM. RM 2 Sekilau-Palang. RM 2 sekilau - mega. RM 2 sekilau-TC.

Secondly, terminal I dunno sekarang macam mana. Because before this, I just call the cab and head to the terminal and get on the bus and balik Putrajaya. Tapi around Sem 2 dulu dorang demolish and rebuild the terminal so ada pak cik ni cakap dorang nak buat tu tempat rapid je. So dunno. Update me kalau korang tau okay?

So ni untuk once in a while lah, I think you should like rent a car for a day and travel lah mana2 you guys nak. Its pretty fun. Get your friends and gabung duet. We did it a few times and it was pretty awesome. Yelah kan, 18 years old so kira macam baru dapat keluar rumah and do stuff yang dulu agak limited. So anyway, enjoy yourself and study hard. Jangan last minute. I pretty much hanged out and fooled around a lot. A bit too much, which is a bad thing.

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