Friday 17 May 2013

Asasi Undang-Undang UiTM

Asasi UiTM is split into two. PI005 and PI006 (I think). Now PI005 is under UiTM. It basically means asasi UiTM. The other one is asasi KPTM. If you're under UiTM, then after you finish your foundation you will definitely be able to continue your degree in UiTM. If you're in KPTM that mean you can apply in other universities after you finish your foundation.

.Now your aim as budak asasi is to basically make sure you get a Band 4 in MUET and a CGPA of 3.0 or above so that you can continue further in law for degree. So you will basically spend roughly around 9 - 10 months (including term's break!) as a foundation student. For the first sem you will have 7 subjects and 8 subjects in sem 2
Now some basic questions that I've asked myself about exactly a year ago.

Asasi UiTM Law dekat mana je?
Simple enough there are 3 branches. Shah Alam, Kuantan, Merbok

How much yuran nak masuk?
Now you will get allowance every sem. RM1900 to be exact but if you malas nak bayar yuran hostel and yuran sem and all that, biar je. Dorang akan tolak from your allowance so you will only get like RM1200 instead. You don't have to worry about PTPTN or whatever. It really is not a concern at the moment. You get allowance from KPTM and from your parents. Life couldn't get any better than that!

Ada koko and all that tak?
The answer is no. You tak payah nak kawad or run around or whatever. Your job is pretty simple actually, you just study.

Is it hard?
I know that a lot of people say that the course is hard. When you say you're doing law people would be like "wow!". Believe me, its hard if you procrastinate and well, if you're lazy. You just read. READ a lot. If you don't read, you'll end up like me. Just cukup makan. For those people yang ada study time yang awesome macam waktu SPM, keep up and you can pretty much score in foundation coz it is a bit like that. Just don't be lazy. And go to class, don't skip no matter how comfortable your bed is.  Learn from my mistake.

How are the classes like?
The classes are pretty cool. Quick advice though, for those who have smartphones download dictionary and the law dictionary apps in your phone. It will definitely come in handy in class. The lecturers will speak only in English and if they ask you questions and you reply back in Malay they will tell you to speak English. English is important for a law student. The only class in Malay will be CTU which is like agama. It's okay if you're having a bit of trouble speaking the language, just try and practice. Your lessons, books, assignments and lecturers will all be in English. It's better to just give it a go then avoid it

The other kids?
 Well when I first started I was pretty much overwhelmed by all these other kids in my campus. Most of them speak in English and have a pretty darn good English by the way. And one of the more shocking part when I first started is that these people are REALLY into politics. We have this class LAW 016 which is Government & Politics and I was dumbfounded when I see these people voicing out their opinion. I was pretty much astonish at everyone's brilliance at the start.  

What about our clothes?
Monday and Friday is formal. So you will have to wear baju kurung for girls and shirt & tie for the boys. Wednesday is black & white day. So you can wear whatever you want as long as it is in black and white. This is to get the feel of the whole law thing I suppose? But lecturers will tell you off sometimes if you don't wear black and white on Wednesday (I've tried). You can wear whatever you want any other day as long as it is not revealing and eye appealing. For the guys and girls yang tak pakai head scarf, you will have to make sure your shirt has a collar. And shoes, the usual basic stuff. No slippers but you can try wearing that once you know your lecturers. Some will let you off, some will tell you off. It depends. 

Let's talk about the requirements needed.
DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE MUET. In Sem 1 you will have a class call BEL 260 which will basically prepare you for your MUET. MUET is Malaysian University English Test and you will have to take this if you want to continue your study in degree. The diploma student has to take it too so MUET is a must. To further your study in degree in Law, you will need at least a Band 4. Band is like a level. So the lowest band you could get is Band 1 and the best and highest band is Band 6. You're pretty much awesome and cool and awesome if you get a Band 6. It's really rare for a student to get a Band 6 but its not impossible. Try. Even a Band 4 is tough to get. The test consist of speaking, listening, reading and writing. In my opinion, writing is the worst and speaking is the best. Just practice and study hard. It is important to get a band 4 or higher coz a lot of people couldn't go through degree law in UiTM because of MUET.

CGPA 3.0
CGPA is an average grade point. It will add your sem 1 + sem 2 result. Whatever you get in the end will see if you are allowed. Now to be safe, you will need at least 3.5 and above for your CGPA. You will hopefully be safe when you get that 3.5 CGPA because eventhough you did not pass your MUET Band 4, other university like UM or UKM still allow UiTM students with a CGPA of 3.5 and a Band 3 for MUET for the law enrollment. And plus, most scholarship wants people with a CGPA of 3.5 so yeah. Its okay if you didn't get it though. Just make sure its a 3.0 and above.


  1. Assalamualaikum,saya lepasan spm tahun 2012. saya baru je beli no pin upu 21/1 hari tu. tapi bila saya tengah isi borang upu tuh , x ada pula asasi undang-undang , so saya x jadi memohon disebabkan x ada asasi undang-undang, ada orang cakap kalau kite bukan lepasan spm selain lepasan spm 2013, tak semua course ditawarkan kepada kita , betol ke? and macam mane saya nak mohon asasi undang-undang ni? kalau tak mohon , rugi pulak beli no upu kan . hehe mohon penjelasan :)

  2. salam, klau dapat band 3 je dalam MUET, boleh repeat x?

  3. my englishh wassss so baddd :( . help meeeeeee
