Friday 17 May 2013

The Law Path: UiTM Asasi, BLS, LLB

I really am not sure how to explain it to you properly so take your time to read it because I am trying to explain as simple as I can so that you will understand properly.

1. Now, firstly, you will need to understand that UiTM is a really big university. When I say big I mean like HUGE. This will come pretty obvious to you as UiTM is pretty much situated in every state. I mean like, it's in Selangor, Pahang, Kedah, Johor like everywhere. I'm doing a rubbish job explaining aren't I? Lol. Anyway, the next thing you have to understand is that once you received your acceptance letter, you will be place in either Shah Alam, Kuantan or Merbok. These are the only campus for foundation law students. If you heard otherwise, then its probably wrong information and now you know better.

2. Now I don't know about the other campus but I was in Kuantan so I will be explaining about the Kuantan Campus. You will have your orientation or MDS (Minggu Destinasi Siswa) in the big campus in Pahang. Now the Pahang UiTM has two branch. The main one is in Jengka, Pahang. It's a lot LOT bigger than the campus in Kuantan, Pahang. So you will spend a week of orientation there and after a week, a bus will take you to Kuantan, your real campus.

3. Foundation in law consist of 10 month study. I started mine on June 2nd 2012 and ended around March 2013.

4. If you pass the requirement of MUET Band 4, and a CGPA of 3.00 or above you are eligible to apply for a degree in law if you wish

5. You will continue your study for 3 years (6 semester) as a BLS student. BLS means Bachelor of Legal Study.

6. BLS is basically a step up for the LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) which is a professional course that you will have to take for a year. A degree in LL.B will allow you to practice as an Advocate and Solicitor. Now, like foundation, not everyone can get in that easily. You will need at least a CGPA of 2.7 and above (I think) to continue with LL.B.

7. If you want to stop your study in BLS, that's okay. If you watch Suits, you can be like Rachel the paralegal. I'm not sure what they do (hey I've just finished my foundation. Give me a break) but you can't really be a proper lawyer yet. I think you will have to work for 3 years or so? And apply again. Like I said before, not everyone can get in that easily. It's tough


8. If you do continue with LL.B though, my lecturer said that we will get this firm thing. Like you know how architect or designer students get a studio? Well, we will get a firm. You will have 4 people in your firm and you have a little office and everything. It's pretty exciting.

9. After that I think we have this thing call the chambering. Its a 9-month thing where you have go to court or something and at the end of the 9 month period they will say if we pass the test and you will officially be in court and you will have your family and friends there and this honourable judge or something will say if you are officially allowed to practice law in real life or not.

10. Starting from number 7, I'm not really sure if it's true. Its what I understand by reading in other people's blog. Not sure, but I think it's roughly like that. If it is wrong though, please someone tell me so that I can change it.


  1. "Firm thing" is an understatement. Everything in this place is hell. Abandon all hope. We are lucky if we get a day off on Sunday. But sometimes, there are no weekends for us. Good luck

  2. Indeed. Back in my time, we literally had no time to rest. You need to be mentally and physically strong to carry out all the tasks given to you. So my advice is, enjoy your weekends during your BLS. Good luck.

  3. Let say if I scored 2.5 for the first sem, do I still have the chance to further law degree

  4. Let say if I scored 2.5 for the first sem, do I still have the chance to further law degree

  5. UiTM law faculty has created different programme for degree whereby there is no BLS anymore. Every student will enter LL.B programme but before they further into Part 7 and Part 8 (professional programme), they need to pass all subjects in their Part 1 - Part 6.

    1. what is the current status of this proposal? it is still progressing ?

      Kindly advise.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That means we can still apply for iv in law degree? Mine got 2.99 in first sem. I' m afraid that I could not get any iv in law degree.

    1. 2.99 for foundation pointer is it? minimum requirement would be 3.0 to enter uitm law degree

  8. What is the MUET requirement to graduate for degree in law
