Friday 17 May 2013

Keputusan UPU: Asasi Undang-Undang UiTM

Okay so as you can see up there, I took a snapshot of what I picked for UPU.  I think this one is my first attempt. Last-last I put Undang-Undang as a first course and for the first choice I put Asasi Undang2 UIAM and the second choice is Asasi Undang2 UiTM and the 3rd and 4th is Asasi TESL in UIAM and UiTM. 

So this is what I ended up getting:
I'm guessing it is the same story with you guys? I was totally excited and I was flipped coz I heard at the time that UiTM has one of the best law school in the country. I'm not sure of this but it's a law school all the same. I was in asasi, a pre-degree course so I wasn't technically a law student (this is how I scare myself about the future. If I get too comfortable I won't work hard. See?) So anyway. I automatically thought I got in into UiTM, Shah Alam. But never have I been more wrong. The next day we were suppose to check which UiTM they will chuck us in and I totally got a blow in the head when Kuantan, Pahang is written on it. I guess you really have to expect the unexpected. 

So anyway, being the ungrateful brute that I am, I called my friend and burst into tears coz I didn't get my Shah Alam. Never have I thought I was gonna be in KUANTAN :o But then he told me to calm down and he said I should be grateful coz he didn't even get in. I felt bad after that but I was too cooped up in my own cocoon to care about other people. I got into a tantrum and my parents said the same thing. I should be grateful. And there are reasons why I'm there. It took me a long time to calm myself down. But hey, in my defence, I've never been away from home. Like a 5 hour freaking drive away. And eventhough I was in boarding school for 2 years, that doesn't count. I snuggled out and go back home like every week. So anyway yeah. 

Bye xxx

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