Friday 17 May 2013

I'm back biatches!

A year has passed and this is the first time I logged into my account since April 2012. Cool innit. So anyway, sebab-sebab kenapa aku suddenly on?

I was looking for some info pasal degree in UiTM nanti. Like I wanted to know how it is like studying in UiTM Shah Alam. Like the actual story tapi tak berapa jumpa blog yang boleh tolong. So I am quite dissapointed. Nevertheless, I decided that I will help youngsters for some info with what I already know. Like pasal Asasi Undang-Undang UiTM. I know the feeling right. I was looking for blog entries to know some basic stuff to prepare myself once I actually get there, tapi tak berapa jumpa waktu tu. And I will post some info about that.

And sorry if this place is quite boring and takde moving icons and songs in the background, sorry lah. I like to keep things simple and I find those moving icons and moving pictures and little tiny cartoon thing annoying. And please, I like to listen to my own songs without interruption. Anyway, yeah.

Oh and do visit you will not regret it! :]

PS : I will try not to curse and swear too much in here. I know how it can offend some people. But chill, if I say mean stuff in here, don't take it to heart. Honestly, don't mean it.. much

Keep safe

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