Wednesday 2 October 2013

Time is the essence

It is 12:15 in the morning. I have been procrastinating and making excuses all week. My midterm will start next week and I have not done any studying yet. Damn it, what the hell is going to happen to me. I have tutorial tomorrow for Consti and have gone as far as just reading the question. The answer is yet to be answered. Been bloody messing about with my mates and having a laugh and now I am dead tired. Just wanna go to sleep. So fucked up, thank God I like Ismail's lecture which will happen at 8:30am tomorrow. He's pretty lenient so I can walk around a bit outside if I feel like I'm about to doze off in class. Anyway, better get going with my assignments. Hopefully all goes well tomorrow.


To the non-existent reader,

I am not sure what people usually write in blogs but I will go ahead and just give you some info about what's happening here now. I am now slowly typing my way into this entry after having a hearty good meal of Nasi Ayam Penyet with that Jumbo Smiley Sausage in front of Perindu. To those who are still lost, I am now in UiTM Shah Alam. Law school. At last.

It's my 4th week here, practically marks the fact that I've been here for exactly one month. I am now enrolling as a part 1 LLB student. It used to be a 3yr BLS program and then a year of LLB. But now they changed some stuff and now its a 4yr LLB course. I have been lazing around like a baboon chipmunk and spending a lot of good quality times with my bed that it was tough at first to get myself back to the environment of communicating with people. I must say, it was tedious work having to smile and say hello to people. I even forgot some of these people's name already. Not that I am being distance and "sombong" on purpose, but what do you expect from a person who hardly went out for 6 months and just stay locked up in her room doing absolutely nothing but 9gagging and youtubing and staring at the empty walls?

In continuation of my story of UiTM Shah Alam, a lot of emotion built up and  everything was bubbling at first. Felt pretty much like I was on drug or maybe I was PMS-ing but I was happy at first, and then worry, and then sad and then hungry and then empty, and then lost and then happy and then furious. I don't know. UiTM Shah Alam is big and it is beautiful. I sometimes wonder around this University with its many hills and stairs and I wondered about the thousand of people who walked on the same path as I did and how they are now walking and making their ways to meetings with their briefcases and suits and blazers, drinking exquisite imported coffee from a very expansive mug. I see them and I see me because that is where I want to go to. To work in some firm or maybe do something completely different like be involved in directing a movie or something. All I know is I want that Law Degree.

Okay moving on, I'm rambling too much, hmm what else do you want to know about the LLB program? There are 8 classes for this term and it was made compulsory for us to be involved in KOKO, sadly. So I joined Kesatria so I only have to suffer of the whole kawad thing for a whole sem and then maybe I will join Public Speaking or Photography. It looks cool enough.